Top 5 HVAC Tips To Keep Your Home Cool in the Summer
Those 90-degree summer days are fun when you’re outside getting tanned or taking part in any of the various summer activities going on around you. However, when you get back inside, the heat and humidity can make your home feel uncomfortable.
Your HVAC system will be your best friend at this point. But you should keep in mind that the weather is also stressing it out! You can help the unit do its job a little better by implementing these top five HVAC tips to keep your home cool in the summer.
1. Check Your Insulation
If your home is poorly insulated, some of the cool, conditioned air will escape your home while your HVAC system is running. Therefore, it’s a good idea to complete a quick insulation check before the summer—especially if you haven’t evaluated your home’s insulation in a long time.
2. Schedule Duct Cleaning
The ductwork running throughout your home helps deliver cool air from your HVAC system to every room in your house.
However, over time, dust, dirt, and debris will accumulate in the ducts. This reduces the volume of cool air coming through the ductwork.
You should consider scheduling duct cleaning before the start of this summer if you want to get more cool air from your ductwork. Clean ducts can lower the chance of allergy attacks, too.
3. Schedule Maintenance Work
Regular maintenance will always rank highly on any list of top five HVAC tips to keep your home cool in the summer.
It is a must if you want to keep your HVAC system working efficiently. We recommend adding HVAC maintenance to your spring checklist.
4. Get a Programmable Thermostat
A programmable thermostat gives you better control over your home’s temperatures during the summer. You can set it to lower temperatures in your house when you’re home and increase the temperature when you’re away.
You can keep your home as cool as you want without making frequent trips to the thermostat.
5. Seal Leaks and Shade Windows
Leaks around windows and doors can lead to a loss of conditioned air. Cover any gaps with weather stripping or caulk to prevent air leakage. Your windows can also encourage heat gain during the summer, countering the work of your air conditioning unit. Consider using thicker blinds and curtains to keep out the heat from the sun.
Get Further Guidance From Your Local Pros
Do you want to discuss how to keep your home cool in the summer further? Are you looking for an HVAC company to help prep your unit for the task ahead?
Call True Blue Heating & Cooling at (615) 568-7450 today!
What Temperature Should I Set My Thermostat in the Summer?
According to the Department of Energy, you should consider setting your thermostat to 78 degrees when you’re home and five degrees higher when you’re away for maximum comfort and energy savings.
Will My AC Work Better if I Close the Vents in Empty Rooms?
No. Closing vents in empty rooms can lead to an imbalance in the airflow around your home.